About the gun vault!

If you would like to see more pictures of any gun for sale posted on this website, you may want to go on gunsinternational.com.

Also, do not hesitate to contact JJ if you have any question!


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New video!


Check out this new  video made by         The Sportsman          Channel!


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Almost one year!

It is hard to believe that very soon, we are going to celebrate our first year in our new location. Time has gone very fast because these last few months have been busy.

Therefore we really want to thank all of you who contacted us, sent your gun to JJ for repair or consignment, or ordered a Chapuis, whether you did it recently or before the moving. We would NOT be here without you all and we appreciate your business. Many thanks also to all of you who came to visit. It has been a pleasure to see you.

We hope this coming year will bring new opportunities to serve you and meet your needs. Do not hesitate to call or send an email if you have a question. We will do our best to answer as soon as possible.

If you want to send us a repair, we would like to add a few comments to help serve you better:

  • To prevent any loss, do not send with your gun any of these: soft case, sling swivels, scope cover, snap caps, etc… It is best to send just what is necessary for the work that needs to be done.
  • We strongly recommend bubble wrap to protect your gun throughout the shipping. It is best to wrap it up and put it tightly in a couple cardboard boxes. You can also send it in a hard case. Make sure it is tight enough and secured inside the case. Double guns need to be in two pieces, well partitioned. For bolt guns, please take the bolt out of the action.
  • Please make sure to provide an e-mail address if you want to track the package when going back home. This way you will get automatic messages from UPS as soon as your gun is ready to leave the shop.
  • By ATF rule, all the repairs we receive MUST go back to the same shipping address, NO EXCEPTION.

Do not hesitate to give us a call if you have a comment or a question. We will be glad to hear from you.

Thanks again.

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We have moved!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAfter a long, hard Summer of back-breaking work, we have finally completed construction of our new shop and are ready to attend to your needs.

With great views of Keystone Lake and surrounded by beauty, we welcome your projects and look forward to spending time with you.

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